About Me

Welcome to my blog! Sometimes, I write in Spanish, others in English, but basically this is my daily diary of sorts. Los invito a mi blog, que es como un diário de mis eventos y escritos que a veces son en español, y a veces en inglés...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Getting Back...

Although a little black and blue around the edges, I feel the need to get back to normal life. I have been away for a few days, a little rest was due.

I have experienced hail, rain, horrible security lines at airport, and dentist tentacles all in less than one week. I am drained, yet renewed, trying to get back to work, trying to get back in my routine of things, many things at once.

I discovered Herta Müller's The Appointment, reunited with my favorite Neruda sonnet, discovered a poem by my cousin that I really liked, received a new camera from my aunt and Alex, embraced family and friends, chatted Natalie's head off, and went over misunderstandings, feelings and emotions over a cup of coffee or two.

I am back, and so much is happening. Juan Cueto-Roig is presenting this Thursday his translation of Constantino P. Cavafis's Veintiún Poemas, and Friday our first Viernes Culturales of 2010 with a night of art, music, and wine to benefit The Miami Buena Vista - Biltmore Lions Club, who will be in attendance. Also, Aristide Pumariega will be painting live his famous caricatures.

If you have not been in Zu in 2010 yet, come see all new works by our roster of artists. Incredible photographs, mixed media works on canvas, acrylics, ceramics, you name it! We have top quality art!

I am breathing, I am getting back in the swing of things, it's just taking a bit....

Photograph by Mayumi Hasegawa from her current exhibit, Destino which closes on February 2.

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