About Me

Welcome to my blog! Sometimes, I write in Spanish, others in English, but basically this is my daily diary of sorts. Los invito a mi blog, que es como un diário de mis eventos y escritos que a veces son en español, y a veces en inglés...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A poem by Maria Milgrom... on Mother's Day!

(Woman before Mirror by Mikhail Demidov, 1927)


In memory of all the Mothers no longer with us.

If on a blue day you see that she is slipping from your side
and you feel that she is ascending to His side,
don't try to stop her. Never feel that she is gone forever.
Please, don't. Another angel was needed and she could not refuse.
She may have seen another opportunity to better care for you.
With tears of pain and joy, her fragile body your face revealed,
a tiny baby, a precious baby for her to love;
and from that instant until her death, she never stopped caring for you.
If one day in desperation, you do not know what to do,
run to the mirror, look at your image in the glass,
and, with your own hands, caress the face, your own body,
the body she gave you from her own flesh and blood.
Please, do not cry. Smile instead.
Rest assured that she always will embrace you.
What a beautiful discovery! How special has HE made us all!


En Homenaje a las Madres "Ausentes"

Si un día triste descubres que ella se escapa,
y sientes que ya ascendiendo hacia ÉL va,
no trates de detenerla. No se ha ido para siempre, NO.
Hacía falta otro ángel y ella no pudo decir NO.
Quizás vio otra oportunidad de cuidarte mejor.
Con lágrimas de dolor y alegría,
su frágil cuerpo al mundo, tu cara reveló.
Desde ese instante hasta su partida, te cuidó.
Si un día en desesperación, no sabes qué hacer,
corre al espejo, mira tu imagen en el cristal,
y con tus propias manos, acaricia tu rostro,
tus brazos, tu cuerpo, el cuerpo que, 
de sus mismas entrañas, ella te legó.
Por favor, no llores. En lugar, sonríe, sonríe,
y ten confianza, ella siempre te abrazará.
         ¡Qué divino consuelo nos ha otorgado Dios!                

Maria Milgrom
November 26, 2011

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