About Me
- Manny Lopez
- Welcome to my blog! Sometimes, I write in Spanish, others in English, but basically this is my daily diary of sorts. Los invito a mi blog, que es como un diário de mis eventos y escritos que a veces son en español, y a veces en inglés...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Photos from Anjanette Delgado's Presentation
On March 19, we had our first Literary Nights Series in English at Zu Galeria Fine Arts. This time we had the privilege to have writer Anjanette Delgado reading her unpublished poetry. It was a cozy, magical night, and Anjanette is 100% to blame for that personal touch of hers, for her work, and for her charm....
All photos by Marta Ramos.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Himno a la libertad de Reynaldo Soto Hernández
Levántate cubano, que tu tierra
hoy presa de una infame tiranía
reclama ya que tú, con hidalguía
te alces a hundir a aquel que te destierra.
Despiértate, se acerca otra alborada,
haz que esa voz que clama en la penumbra
comience a retumbar como retumba
el cañón en la patria sublevada.
Arráncate de un golpe las cadenas
clava el hacha en la sangre del tirano
y haz que brille otro sol, junto a tu hermano
sobre el verde caimán de las arenas.
Reynaldo Soto Hernández
Foto de Marta Ramos
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hispanista: Interview with Anjanette Delgado by Silvia Viñas
Hispanista: Interview with Anjanette Delgado
After a successful career as a journalist and producer, Emmy award-winning writer Anjanette Delgado turned to fiction writing and published her first novel, The Heartbreak Pill.
Despite her success, Anjanette Delgado is surprisingly down to earth. She has a loud voice, big dark brown eyes, and a presence that —excuse the cliché— makes heads turn when she walks into the room. However, Anjanette is extremely approachable; you would never guess she is an award-winning writer if you simply met her on the streets of Miami. I contacted Anjanette through email, requesting an interview for this column. She accepted and invited me to her photo exhibit and poetry reading at Zu Galería Fine Arts, a small, beautifully decorated art gallery in Little Havana. I obviously couldn’t turn down the invitation. I went, and the result is this: my very first Hispanista podcast.
Disclaimer: We were outside during the interview and poetry reading, and if you’ve ever been to Little Havana (or anywhere in Miami, really) you know airplanes leave their audio footprint every fifteen minutes. So don’t get scared if you hear a loud rumbling noise during the podcast –it is just a plane.
To listen to the interview and poetry reading, click below. To download the podcast, right click and Save Link As or Download Link As.
Interview – Anjanette Delgado Part 1
Poetry Reading – Anjanette Delgado Part 2
To read more about Anjanette Delgado and The Heartbreak Pill, and to hear her read an excerpt from it, go to her official website. Also, make sure you visit her blog, The Wise Latina Woman Blog.
–Silvia Viñas
Silvia grew up in seven different countries: Uruguay, Argentina, Spain, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, and The United States. She studied Spanish Literature, Political Science and TESOL at Brigham Young University. She enjoys reading fiction and non-fiction written by or about Latin Americans and Spaniards. She tweets in English and Spanish @silviavinas.
Photo by Marta Ramos
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I Support Today's March thru Little Havana
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Taller: Cómo escribir y publicar su cuento por Teresa Dovalpage
Teresa Dovalpage
Three-day Workshop IN SPANISH
Cómo escribir y publicar su cuento
3 días: Miércoles 5 al viernes 7 de mayo, 6 - 9 p.m.
Want to register? Click here for instructions and registration form.
MDC, Wolfson Campus
Un taller intensivo dividido en tres partes: El arte y la mecánica del cuento, en la que se exponen los elementos básicos de una historia (la estructura, la trama, el punto de vista, etc.); El comienzo es la mitad de todas las cosas, consistente en ejercicios prácticos para romper el bloqueo creativo y comenzar a escribir, y Revistas, editoriales, agentes literarios…, donde se ofrece información sobre las distintas maneras de publicar un manuscrito. El curso incluye materiales impresos, entre ellos una lista actualizada de agentes, concursos, revistas y editoriales. THIS WORKSHOP WILL BE CONDUCTED ENTIRELY IN SPANISH.
Teresa Dovalpage nació en La Habana y actualmente vive en Taos, Nuevo México. Tiene un doctorado en literatura latinoamericana. Ha publicado las novelas A Girl like Che Guevara (Soho Press, 2004), Posesas de La Habana (PurePlay Press, 2004) y Muerte de un murciano en La Habana (Anagrama, 2006; finalista del premio Herralde) así como la colección de cuentos Por culpa de Candela (Floricanto Press, 2008). Su novela corta El difunto Fidel ganó el premio Rincón de la Victoria en Málaga en marzo del 2009 y será publicada este año en España por la editorial Renacimiento. Es también autora de las obras de teatro La hija de La Llorona y Hasta que el mortgage nos separe.
3 días: Miércoles 5 al viernes 7 de mayo, 6 - 9 p.m.
Want to register? Click here for instructions and registration form.
If so, you must do it asap, space is limited.
This is a Community Education (non-credit) course.
Foto de Marta Ramos.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Curso-Taller El Oficio del Poeta por Elena Tamargo
Curso-Taller El Oficio del Poeta
La meta de la escritura es compartir la propia interioridad con los demás.
Duración: 6 sesiones de dos horas cada una.
Inicio de curso 4 de abril
Domingo 11 de la mañana
Método: Clases y trabajos prácticos
Costo: $200 por persona
Cada vez son más las personas que se sienten motivadas a escribir poesía, pero que carecen de los conocimientos básicos para lograrlo con la calidad requerida. Este curso-taller ofrece las herramientas necesarias, no sólo para enriquecer el oficio poético, sino para adquirir una visión más amplia y actualizada de la poesía, y una mejor comprensión de los clásicos, que son una permanente e inagotable fuente de disfrute y aprendizaje.
Un acercamiento a la poesía actual
Versificación y métrica
Tipos de versos: libre, blanco y rimado
Versos medidos: de arte menor y de arte mayor
Versos de pie quebrado
Sílabas musicales y sinalefas
Rima consonante y rima asonante
Modelos clásicos más empleados
La redondilla y la cuarteta
La décima
El romance
La letrilla
El cuarteto
El terceto
El soneto
El lenguajeLenguaje recto y lenguaje figurado
Diferencias entre prosa y verso
La poesía en prosa y la prosa poética
El ritmo. El tono. Sonidos y silencios
Estilo y autenticidad
Importancia de la forma
Figuras tropológicas más empleadas
Metáfora, símil, imagen
Problemática de la poesía
Sentimiento, imaginación y razón
La imagen
La verdad poética
La libertad del poeta
Sesiones de tallerAnálisis y discusión de poemas escritos por los propios participantes
Creación de un libro
Para reservar llamar al 786-443-5872.
El espacio es limitado.
Zu Galeria Fine Arts
2248 SW 8th Street
Miami, Fl 33135
Elena Tamargo. Filóloga, poeta y ensayista. Traductora del alemán. Especialista en la enseñanza del español como segunda lengua.Premio Nacional de Poesía de la Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, 1984.Premio Nacional de Poesía de Cuba, "Julián del Casal", Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, 1987. Doctora en Letras Modernas, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, DF. 2001.Candidata a Doctor en Letras Comparadas, Universidad Lomonosov, Moscú, Rusia.Maestra en Letras Modernas, Universidad Iberoamericana, México DF, 1998.Licenciada en Filología, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba 1988. Ha publicado más de diez libros de poesía, ensayo e investigación. Su obra ha sido antologada y traducida en diferentes países y a varios idiomas. Entre sus títulos se encuentran, Lluvia de rocío, Sobre un papel mis trenos, Habana tú, El caballo de la palabra, Bolero, clave del corazón, Poesía de la sombra de la memoria.
Foto de Marta Ramos
Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday! ... and upcoming events...
It's Monday! and with it another day, a brand new week! I am super tired, I must admit. It has been a pretty busy weekend here at Zu, but also one with plenty rewards. Friday night marked my first Literary Nights in English Series, with writer Anjanette Delgado. It is always good to hear the feedback on any event, and I must honestly say, the feedback was very good. Just this morning, someone that came to the event, told me it had been years since she stayed up all night reading a book. She said Anjanette's The Heartbreak Pill grabbed her and did not let her go until she had finish it. I am pleased to hear that!
Sunday was Spring's first official day, as well as el Dia Internacional de la Poesia (International Poetry Day), and I am proud to say that tons of people made it a point to come to our celebration. We were lucky to have incredible poets reading their work, some have participated in my Noches de Poesia (Poetry Nights Series in Spanish), others read for the first time here. And to blend poetry and music, we had the sounds of Ligia Cabrera and Flavia Ferreira. The day helped by being sunny and beautiful, but the main character here was POETRY!
I am keeping a low profile this week. I need the rest, therefore I will not be open this coming Viernes Culturales. However, April is bringing all sorts of new things to Zu, and to those of you who support our events, and who venture out to Little Havana, and discover this emerging spot.
For starters, on April 4 we begin our Curso-Taller "El oficio del poeta", a 6 week poetry workshop in Spanish given by Dr. Elena Tamargo. On April 6th, our Literary Nights in English Series bring us cuban writer and resident of Seattle, Washington Jorge Enrique Gonzalez-Pacheco and his bilingual book of poems, Under the Light of my Blood. April 11th brings us our monthly Noches de Poesia with cuban writer Aymara Aymerich. Cuban artist Mayra Abo brings us her new exhibit on April 17th, an ode to Virgins, not just those in the altars at churches, but all virgins. There's even talks of a monologue to be taken place this month... but keep you posted because its still in the works...
So as you can see I have a full April coming up....
Again, thanks for your support, and make it a point to stop by soon, if you haven't...
Happy Monday!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Día Internacional de la Poesía este domingo en Zu!
El 21 de marzo se celebra el Día Internacional de la Poesía, día propuesto en el año 2001 por la UNESCO con la intención de rendir honores en todo el planeta a la lírica. El mundo convulsionado en el que vivimos necesita de una revalorización estética y de una inyección de espiritualidad que lo sacuda, y eso podemos lograrlo con el estudio y propagación de la poesía. Debido a esto Zu Galería los invita a sumarse al empeño universal de mejorar al hombre y a la cultura. También los invita a que nos reunamos en esa fecha con un manojo de buenos poetas para celebrar en grande la fiesta de la palabra.
Domingo, 21 de marzo a las 3pm
Zu Galeria Fine Arts
2248 SW 8th Street
Miami, Fl 33135
Poetas Invitados
Aymara Aymerich, Maria Eugenia Caseiro, Ena Columbié,
Elena Iglesias, Rosie Inguanzo, Elena Montes de Oca, y
Elena Tamargo por parte de las damas.
Joaquín Badajoz, Alejandro Fonseca, Joaquín Gálvez,
Germán Guerra, Heriberto Hernández, Rolando Jorge,
Félix Lizárraga, Carlos Pintado, George Riverón, y Juan Carlos Valls,
por los caballeros.
Contaremos con la participación especial de la poeta
Odette Alonso Yodú que nos visita desde Mexico.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Poems and Photography by Anjanette Delgado this Friday
Women in the Land of Having
Evie is fifteen, can hardly breathe imagining
she’s licking the length of her teacher’s lean shaft as he pushes
global economy
of thought and perspective. She raises
her hand, wants to say in this country
everything can feel like nothing.
People all over the world feast
on hunger, while she can never find
something to wear, can never decide
where to eat: McDonald’s, Wendy’s,
Burger King, boredom or guilt.
Maria is an American Idol
intern who already knows the world
looks like Angelina, whines like Paris, talks like Oprah and thinks like Jon Stewart,
who she secretly wants
to marry so she can live
happily ever after
in more and much-betterland.
Alice is just a woman Who Loves
Too Much, doesn’t know The Rules and hasn’t figured out What Men Want.
She watches Sex and the City on DVD,
twelve for the price of one,
nothing more to buy ever,
hopes to become a butterfly,
be Codependent No More; change
her life for $12.99
in paperback.
Megan walks around with tiny head incisions,
glass-ceiling bruises like those from her heart’s
recent divorce-induced micro-dermabrasion.
She spends her settlement money botoxing her butt, laser-whitening her teeth, trying to buy herself
a reason to smile, shoots time up
with pills meant for panic-attacks,
knows this incredible TV offer
is available for a short time only.
-Anjanette Delgado
Women in the Land of Having
Evie is fifteen, can hardly breathe imagining
she’s licking the length of her teacher’s lean shaft as he pushes
global economy
of thought and perspective. She raises
her hand, wants to say in this country
everything can feel like nothing.
People all over the world feast
on hunger, while she can never find
something to wear, can never decide
where to eat: McDonald’s, Wendy’s,
Burger King, boredom or guilt.
Maria is an American Idol
intern who already knows the world
looks like Angelina, whines like Paris, talks like Oprah and thinks like Jon Stewart,
who she secretly wants
to marry so she can live
happily ever after
in more and much-betterland.
Alice is just a woman Who Loves
Too Much, doesn’t know The Rules and hasn’t figured out What Men Want.
She watches Sex and the City on DVD,
twelve for the price of one,
nothing more to buy ever,
hopes to become a butterfly,
be Codependent No More; change
her life for $12.99
in paperback.
Megan walks around with tiny head incisions,
glass-ceiling bruises like those from her heart’s
recent divorce-induced micro-dermabrasion.
She spends her settlement money botoxing her butt, laser-whitening her teeth, trying to buy herself
a reason to smile, shoots time up
with pills meant for panic-attacks,
knows this incredible TV offer
is available for a short time only.
-Anjanette Delgado
Photography by Anjanette Delgado, titled "Calmly Waiting Woman" from the serie to be exhibited at Zu Galeria Fine Arts.
We support Las Damas de Blanco!
Last year we had an incredible exhibit honoring Las Damas de Blanco by artist Leonardo Severo, in fact we were the first art gallery in Miami to do this for them. The exhibit titled Blancas Mujeres was an homage to those brave women who peacefully walk the streets of Old Havana in a plea for freedom. These last few days they have been all over the news because of the beatings, and mistreatment by the government police, as they were peacefully protesting their relatives imprisonment. Today I honor and support these incredible Ladies in White!
Pictured, Blancas Mujeres, Acrylic, by Leonardo Severo.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
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