Women in the Land of Having
Evie is fifteen, can hardly breathe imagining
she’s licking the length of her teacher’s lean shaft as he pushes
global economy
of thought and perspective. She raises
her hand, wants to say in this country
everything can feel like nothing.
People all over the world feast
on hunger, while she can never find
something to wear, can never decide
where to eat: McDonald’s, Wendy’s,
Burger King, boredom or guilt.
Maria is an American Idol
intern who already knows the world
looks like Angelina, whines like Paris, talks like Oprah and thinks like Jon Stewart,
who she secretly wants
to marry so she can live
happily ever after
in more and much-betterland.
Alice is just a woman Who Loves
Too Much, doesn’t know The Rules and hasn’t figured out What Men Want.
She watches Sex and the City on DVD,
twelve for the price of one,
nothing more to buy ever,
hopes to become a butterfly,
be Codependent No More; change
her life for $12.99
in paperback.
Megan walks around with tiny head incisions,
glass-ceiling bruises like those from her heart’s
recent divorce-induced micro-dermabrasion.
She spends her settlement money botoxing her butt, laser-whitening her teeth, trying to buy herself
a reason to smile, shoots time up
with pills meant for panic-attacks,
knows this incredible TV offer
is available for a short time only.
-Anjanette Delgado
Women in the Land of Having
Evie is fifteen, can hardly breathe imagining
she’s licking the length of her teacher’s lean shaft as he pushes
global economy
of thought and perspective. She raises
her hand, wants to say in this country
everything can feel like nothing.
People all over the world feast
on hunger, while she can never find
something to wear, can never decide
where to eat: McDonald’s, Wendy’s,
Burger King, boredom or guilt.
Maria is an American Idol
intern who already knows the world
looks like Angelina, whines like Paris, talks like Oprah and thinks like Jon Stewart,
who she secretly wants
to marry so she can live
happily ever after
in more and much-betterland.
Alice is just a woman Who Loves
Too Much, doesn’t know The Rules and hasn’t figured out What Men Want.
She watches Sex and the City on DVD,
twelve for the price of one,
nothing more to buy ever,
hopes to become a butterfly,
be Codependent No More; change
her life for $12.99
in paperback.
Megan walks around with tiny head incisions,
glass-ceiling bruises like those from her heart’s
recent divorce-induced micro-dermabrasion.
She spends her settlement money botoxing her butt, laser-whitening her teeth, trying to buy herself
a reason to smile, shoots time up
with pills meant for panic-attacks,
knows this incredible TV offer
is available for a short time only.
-Anjanette Delgado
Photography by Anjanette Delgado, titled "Calmly Waiting Woman" from the serie to be exhibited at Zu Galeria Fine Arts.