About Me

Welcome to my blog! Sometimes, I write in Spanish, others in English, but basically this is my daily diary of sorts. Los invito a mi blog, que es como un diário de mis eventos y escritos que a veces son en español, y a veces en inglés...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

On this 4th of July I want to remember that I live in a free country, one that has allowed me to be who I want to be. It is my adopted country, however I can't think of another better place to live than the USA.
As I was driving one day from work, that day I was turning 33, and suddenly a thought came to mind.... " I said, my parents were 33 when they came to this country, and they have spent all these years working, trying to raise three kids, and have not experienced not even half of what I have experienced at 33". From that day on, I realized that I was living the way I wanted, that this country had given me tons of opportunities, some taken, others passed by, but that I needed to be grateful to my parents and to this incredible country.
It is 4th of July, and as such I want to thank all those who come together to make this country what it is, and what it represents to all of us who come from places where making a simple choice is not always doable. And what better way to illustrate today, than someone as diverse and American as Madonna, singing American Pie....

Happy 4th of July!

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